Out-of-the-box Metrics for Your Industry
The Intelligent Customer Data Platform
Build Rich, Relevant,
& Context-Aware Individual Customer Profiles
Our Real-Time DNA is your data-fueled holistic, contextualized and relevant perspective on every customer. This Real-Time DNA also drives the intelligence behind every action.
DNA Metrics
The metrics forming a customer’s DNA can hold simple values, can be the outcome of a formula or the outcome of a complex algorithmic scoring model.
Custom Metrics
Easily define custom metrics using various methods including formulas, predictive models, neural network models, linear models and more.
DNA-Powered Alerts & Actions
Our Customer DNA powers every experience by determining and triggering the next best experience based on shifting real-time customer behavior.
Personalize the Omni-Channel Experience for Every Customer
Supercharge your channel and execution systems with real-time actionable insights into individual customers, and maximize targeting precision by placing the right personalized message in front of the right people.
Real-Time Inbound
Respond in real-time to inbound requests, from any channel or execution system, with the best recommendation for each customer or audience.
Trigger-Based Outbound
Initiate real-time alerts when a customer becomes part of an audience or qualifies for a specific recommendation. Alerts are activated when conditions are met or scoring metric results are updated.
Scheduled Outbound
Our CDP supports periodic generation of precise target audiences that fulfill specific conditions or scoring metric results ideal for an outbound (campaign) experience.
Business Intelligence and Insights for Everyone
Discover, analyze and visualize customer and entity data, in real-time, to identify opportunities the moment they arise.
Visualize DNA
Apply our Real-Time DNA intelligence to your entity data and gain a whole new world of insights at a glance into your products, offers and campaigns.
Real-Time Dashboards
Visualize data inside the CDP to easily track and analyze the performance of customer experiences against goals, trends, benchmarks and more.
With out-of-the-box single source and fractional attribution models, gain deeper insights into all your marketing effectiveness.
The Right Smarts to Automate, Predict and Optimize Experiences
Operationalize data models, in real-time, by training formulas against a fully integrated ecosystem of living customer data. Allowing you to deliver better, faster and more precise predicted customer experiences.
Continuous Learning
Increase the effectiveness of your data models with continuous learning through bi-directional feedback between your models and their effectiveness in predicting actions and outcomes.
Data Model Training
Train your models, in real-time, against Real-Time DNA data, and then automatically optimize any DNA with updated thresholds and newly optimized data models.
Predictive Alerts & Actions
Automatically identify actionable changes in your customer data and trigger automated alerts across your engagement technologies with a predicted Next Best Experience action.
Create Rich and Accurate Customer Profiles
Our identity resolution capability performs matching of augmented data, ensuring incoming data is linked to the right people or entities.
Identity Resolution
Automatically identify and match people faster with their unique Customer DNA to resolve the inefficiencies stemming from duplicate customer records.
Match and pair data in real-time, from across sources, into rich, accurate and context-aware customer profiles.
Ensure channel and reporting applications are leveraging the most up-to-date customer insights by querying real-time APIs.
The Best Customer Data is All Your Customer Data
The only true, single picture of each customer and prospect is an analytical view combining available and relevant 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data into a single, context-aware, real-time Customer DNA.
OOTB Connectors
Seamlessly connect with your technology eco-system. From channel and marketing applications, to analytics and reporting tools, your data lake and more.
BI Platform Integration
Apply an additional layer of smarts to your existing business intelligence tools by quickly integrating external systems with our datamart.
Data Enrichment
Enrich data by ensuring it’s stored in the right format and immediately ready to deliver more holistic insights and effective actions.